
O2 Advert

not actually commissioned by O2

before lanters composited in




Rave On Air

Its taken me a while to put this post up because I been worried about releasing the brand too early. But I have time and no-one reads me blog so it should be OK.

Rave On Air is ravensbournes annual showcase of student
work. Its a three day event where Ravensbourne is turned into a television station/broadcast expo. There are two channel's with content put on by the Broadcast students a fashion show amongst other exciting bits. My course (design for moving image) had to compete against each other (my first competetive pitch) to brand the entire event.

My team consisting of Hannah Newson, James Taylor and myself won the pitch!

So here is the brand we won with,

This was our brand DNA. We thought that there was conflict in the brand DNA between the words Individuality and Unity. So this is where our brand solution came from. This brand DNA is pretty much what the brief told us these are just our key words. It ended up that every group had pretty much the same brand DNA as ours but our solution really clinched it for us because it really works.

The brand solution / metaphor is PATCHWORK. So if you think of a patchwork quilt its alot of very idividual pieces sewn together to make a whole. This is what Rave On Air is and always will be.

This leads us onto the Logo. This was the hardest thing we had to do. Everything else just comes very naturally but the Logo caused alot of heated debates! The problem we were having was we were trying to represent our Patchwork metaphor very literally so people would understand what the brand was just by looking at the logo.

These are some of our first ideas

Then one we settled on for a while

Some animation tests I did

So the problem we were having is creating a mark which represented our core values. Then came the moment! We decided that the logo had to represent the finished product, the finished patchwork. Then from here the entire brand explores the pieces, explores through patchwork. So here it is, the logo and the brand so far.


I designed the new flyer for Bedrock nightclub. I think its fairly obvious what its supposed to be!




Drink For Life

30 second advert for a made up campaign which raises awareness on issues surrounding Tap and Bottled water.

Alex Weatherhead
Hannah Newson
Christopher Shone
Yurika Mitsumori




I have wanted to play with flash for a long time and now i am going to give it a go! The project i have set myself is to make an short for getting people to recycle. i am goin to animate different characters interacting with live action footage. i'll upload the storyboards soon but hope to finish the project within 2 weeks because i am very busy with ROA.


Health and Safety Video

So here we are!! it took 5 of us 4 hours to do this, its an absolute piss take video for our PPD lesson (personal and professional development). Credits aren't accurate for the most part beings as everyone chipped in for everything really!! James Taylor did do the edit as well as sound with help from Hannah and I did the awful Graphics otherwise it was a group effort filmed in our livingroom!! its how university should be!


Perfect Cup

Made this in a couple of hours in Illustrator for Hannah. She makes awful tea!!